Little boy argues with twin about weather – video shows adorable encounter ‘you poked my heart’
His reaction is so wholesome!
Naomi Lai

You should always listen to your mother, and these kindergarteners certainly put faith in every word their mothers told them that morning.

On a grey day, these toddlers went to school not knowing they would soon have their first unofficial student debate. An adorable little boy took on two twin girls in a heated argument over the weather.

It started when the blonde boy shyly announces that it’s sprinkling outside – a seemingly reasonable statement.

But the twins, in their matching green shirts and zebra print leggings, are quick to correct him.

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“No, it’s raining.” one of the girls tells him.

But that can’t be true. That’s not what his mom said!

“My mom told me it was sprinkling.” the boy repeats with absolute conviction.

“Well, mom said it’s raining.” the little girl insists, sounding more and more impatient.

This goes on back and forth for quite some time. Who’s mom is correct?!

Eventually the little kerfuffle escalates quickly to a physical altercation. One of the frustrated twins waves an authoritative finger, and pokes the boy’s face. He is taken aback. The little monster looks at the camera, waiting to see if she’ll get in trouble.

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Someone please alert the authorities, we need backup!

The other twin, who has left her poking fingers out of it, tries to convince her sister to say sorry.

She is doing her very best to de-escalate the situation… until she ultimately decides to back up her sister and agree that it’s raining. What are twins for, right?

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A finger is raised by the girl again as a warning, which prompts the little boy to try a different tactic: flattery.

“No it’s not! You’re pretty! And you’re not real, I’m real.”

Sure, it makes little to no sense, but telling someone they’re pretty in the middle of an argument is a good way to win.

Throw ’em off their game. Confuse the enemy. Question their existence.

The more diplomatic of the twins suggests they all go outside and see for themselves A novel idea! But I’m not sure it will get them anywhere.

The other little girl pokes the boy once again, this time in the chest.

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He immediately holds his hands over the spot…

“Ow… you poked my heart”.

He doesn’t cry, he just looks genuinely shocked and a little broken hearted (no pun intended).

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He falls back from the argument, still in disbelief that someone could poke his heart like that.

The girl who poked him looks like she’s regretting her decision, and her sister continues to try and remedy the situation by offering the little boy some comfort.

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I hate to break it to ya kid, but that won’t be the last time someone pokes your heart… both figuratively and likely literally.

Hopefully they agree to disagree and become friends again soon!

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I love that the only evidence to back up their claims was “my mom said so”. I’m going to use that.

I’ve never seen such an adorable argument, or two people more passionate about the nuances of descriptive words for the weather.

This video will be such a gem for their parents to show them when they’re a little bit older and inevitably learn that raining and sprinkling are, really, one in the same.

We may be looking at two young lawyers here!

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