These days, you can’t go online without seeing a couple of useful life hacks. They cover everything from decorating your house to cooking your dinner.

Life hacks are so popular that they’ve even spawned websites, social media channels, and cable television shows. And it’s no wonder! Your grandmother’s sage advice can now be shared with the whole world. Who wouldn’t want to make their life easier?

There are hacks for basically everything, from cooking to childcare, home repair, and more. The bottom line is that we all need help sometimes. With the internet, we can use hacks shared by seven billion people. Who doesn’t love that?

But here’s the thing about the internet. Not everyone is going to find all trends popular. In fact, the moment a trend gets really popular, it’s going to have people making fun of it. Sometimes, they even make parodies of it.

Enter the millennial and Gen Z sense of humor, which is dark and absurd. We see your life hacks and we’ve made them so weird and confusing that you can’t help but laugh. Well, you’ll either laugh or say, “Um, what?” We’ll accept either of those as viable reactions.